Since its inception in 1994 we are fulfilling the objectives of the founders - To effectively manage all properties in the area and provide superior service to manufacturing companies.
Premises in the MESIT area are primarily focused in searching for superior equipment manufacturing spaces (air conditioning, cooling, compressed air supply, communications infrastructure) and special services (security, fire watch, medical clinics).
We are a reliable partner of major customers.
MESIT is one of the largest industrial sites in the Uherské Hradistě region. At the present time we employ more than 2 500 people. Part of the space is leased to MESIT holding companies, however more than 50% of the area used by external customers. The largest of these include AVX Lanškroun, Forschner, Catdesign, and Josef Weiss Plastic-CZ. These companies currently employ more than 1 500 employees.
Společné oznámení o právním nástupnictví v souvislosti s uskutečněným rozdělením společnosti MESIT reality, s.r.o. a následnou fúzí společnosti MESIT reality, s.r.o. se společností MESIT ecology, s.r.o.